Blood on the Clocktower Roles — Sects & Violets

Blood on the Clocktower Roles — Sects & Violets

[The Good Team]

[The Clockmaker]

The Clockmaker learns the distance from the Demon to their nearest Minion.

  1. The Clockmaker only learns this on the first night.
  2. The distance is the number of seated players, starting from the player next to the Demon and ending at the nearest Minion, either clockwise or counterclockwise.


[The Dreamer]

The Dreamer learns which player is which character, but is never sure.

  1. Each night, the Dreamer chooses a player and learns two characters—one that the player is, and one that the player isn’t.
  2. The false character token depends on the chosen player’s true character type. If the Dreamer chooses a player who is a Townsfolk or Outsider, the false character token is any Minion or Demon. If they choose a player who is a Minion or Demon, the false character token is a Townsfolk or Outsider.
  3. The Dreamer may not choose themself, and may not choose a Traveller.


[The Snake Charmer]

The Snake Charmer learns which players are not the Demon…but becomes the Demon if they get too greedy or too bold.

  1. Each night, they choose a player. If that player is not the Demon, nothing happens. If they are the Demon, the Snake Charmer becomes that Demon and turns evil, and the Demon becomes good and poisoned permanently.
  2. If the Philosopher has the Snake Charmer ability and becomes the Demon, the Demon becomes a poisoned Philosopher.


[The Mathematician]

The Mathematician knows how many things have “gone wrong” since dawn today.

  1. When an ability does not work in the intended way due to another character’s interference, the Mathematician will learn that it happened. They’ll learn that something went wrong if a piece of information was false but was supposed to be true, or if an ability should have worked but didn’t, due to another character.
  2. The Mathematician does not learn which players this happened to, only how many times it happened.
  3. The Mathematician does not detect their own ability failing.
  4. The Mathematician does not detect drunkenness or poisoning itself, but does detect when drunk or poisoned players’ abilities did not work as intended. The Recluse registering as evil to the Chef, and the poisoned Soldier dying from the Imp’s attack, would each be detected. The poisoned Empath getting true information would not.


[The Flowergirl]

The Flowergirl knows if the Demon voted or not.

  1. A Demon’s vote counts whether or not the nominee was executed.
  2. The Flowergirl does not detect if the Demon raised their hand for other reasons, such as when the players “vote” on what to order for dinner, or when the players raise their hand to exile a Traveller.
  3. If the Demon changes players after the original Demon voted but before the Flowergirl wakes to learn their information, the Flowergirl detects the original Demon.
  4. If there are two (or more!) Demons, even dead Demons, the Flowergirl detects if any of them voted. If even one Demon voted, the Flowergirl learns a “yes”.


[The Town Crier]

The Town Crier knows when Minions nominate.

  1. Each night, the Town Crier learns either a “yes” or a “no”.
  2. They do not learn which players are Minions or how many Minions made nominations, just whether or not any Minions made nominations today.


[The Oracle]

The Oracle knows how many dead players are evil.

  1. Because the Oracle acts after the Demon attacks each night, the Oracle’s info refers to the players that are dead when dawn breaks and all players open their eyes.
  2. The Oracle detects dead Minions and Demons, but also any other players that are evil, such as evil Travellers, or Townsfolk or Outsiders that have been turned evil.
  3. When counting the number of dead players, remember to count Townsfolk and Outsider tokens that are upside-down, which means their alignment is the opposite of what is printed.


[The Savant]

The Savant gets amazing information that is different every day and every game, but half of it is false.

  1. Each day, the Storyteller chooses two pieces of information to give the Savant…so get creative! One must be true, and one must be false, and the Savant won’t know which is which.
  2. It is up to the Savant to talk with the Storyteller, not the other way around. This isn’t a public conversation, and the group can’t listen in. It’s private.
  3. The Savant can choose to not visit the Storyteller if they wish.
  4. A drunk or poisoned Savant might get two pieces of true information or two pieces of false information.


[The Seamstress]

The Seamstress learns whether two players are on the same team as each other.

  1. They only get this information once per game, so they had best choose wisely when and who.
  2. They may choose alive or dead players or even Travellers.


[The Philosopher]

The Philosopher decides their own ability.

  1. They can do this once per game. When they do so, they gain that character’s ability. They do not become that character.
  2. They may want to wait a while to choose. If the Philosopher chooses a character that is already in play, the player of that character becomes drunk. If the Philosopher then dies or
    becomes drunk or poisoned, the player they are making drunk becomes sober again.
  3. If the Philosopher chose a character that was not in play at the time but is in play now, that character is drunk.
  4. If the Philosopher gains an ability that works at night, they wake when that character would wake. If this ability is used on the first night only, they use it tonight.
  5. If the Philosopher regains their ability via the Bone Collector, or uses their ability twice via the Barista, the Philosopher may choose a new ability, or the same ability as before.
  6. If the Philosopher’s ability works while dead, such as the Klutz’s, it works if the Philosopher is dead.


[The Artist]

The Artist may ask any one question of the Storyteller.

  1. The question may deal with anything at all, phrased in any way they want. The Storyteller honestly answers “yes,” “no,” or “I don’t know.”
  2. It is up to the Artist to talk with the Storyteller, not the other way around. This isn’t a public conversation, and the group can’t listen in. It’s private.


[The Juggler]

The Juggler takes the risk of convincing people to reveal their characters during the first day, in the hope of guessing as many as possible that are telling the truth.

  1. On the first day, they may guess which players are which characters. That night, the Juggler learns how many guesses they got right…if they are not killed beforehand.
  2. They must make their guesses publicly, so everyone hears what is guessed. They may guess zero characters, or up to five characters, and these characters and players may be different or the same.
  3. If the Juggler made their guesses while drunk or poisoned, but is sober and healthy when their ability triggers that night, then the Storyteller still gives them true information.


[The Sage]

The Sage knows nothing while alive, but if the Demon kills them, they learn who it is.

  1. The Sage only gets this information when killed by a Demon attack. Being executed does not count.


[The Mutant]

The Mutant is executed if they try to reveal who they are.

  1. “Madness” is a term that means “you are trying to convince the group of something.” So, if the Mutant player is mad about being the Mutant, this means they are trying to convince people that they are the Mutant. If they are mad about being an Outsider, this means they are trying to convince people that they are an Outsider.
  2. This can be by verbally hinting who they are, or by their silence when questioned. It is always up to the Storyteller to decide what the Mutant is doing. If you think they are trying to convince the group they are an Outsider in any way, you can execute them—even outside the nomination phase, or at night. If you do, no other executions may happen today by normal means, since there is only one execution per day.
  3. If the Mutant hints that they are the Mutant at night, you may execute them that night. Declare they have died, and continue the night phase as normal. An execution may still happen the next day.


[The Barber]

The Barber allows the Demon to swap two characters.

  1. The players’ alignments stay the same when they swap characters. Each player learns which character they become.
  2. The Demon may choose not to swap players.
  3. If a player becomes a new character, they gain the new ability, even if it was a “you start knowing” ability or a “once per game” ability that the original character already used.
  4. If there is more than one living Demon, the Storyteller chooses which Demon makes the swap.
  5. The Demon may choose themself to swap.
  6. The Demon may not choose another Demon player to swap.
  7. If a player dies, then becomes the Barber, the Demon may not swap two players’ characters tonight.


[The Sweetheart]

The Sweetheart, when they die, makes someone drunk for the rest of the game.

  1. The Storyteller chooses which player becomes drunk.
  2. This ability works while the Sweetheart is dead.


[The Klutz]

The Klutz might accidentally lose the game for their team, unless they are clever.

  1. When the Klutz dies, they must declare a player. They may take a few minutes to do so—after all, it’s a big decision, and other players may give advice on who to choose, but it is always the Klutz’s decision. If they choose an evil player, the game ends immediately and the good team loses. If they choose a good player, nothing happens and the game continues.
  2. It is not the Storyteller’s responsibility to prompt the Klutz to declare they are the Klutz and choose a player. The Klutz must do this shortly after they learn that they are dead. Deliberately not doing so is considered cheating.


[The Evil Team]

[The Witch]

The Witch curses players, so that they die if they nominate.

  1. Each night, the Witch chooses a player to curse. That player dies if they nominate any player on the next day, although their nomination still counts.
  2. The Witch’s curse lasts only for one day, but the Witch may curse the same player again and again each night.
  3. As soon as just three players are left alive, the Witch’s curse is immediately removed, and the Witch acts no more.


[The Cerenovus]

The Cerenovus encourages players to pretend to be different characters than they actually are.

  1. The Cerenovus chooses Townsfolk or Outsiders that players are mad about being. They must try to convince the group that they actually are this character tomorrow, or else die.
  2. Simply hinting is not enough to avoid death. The player must make a decent effort to convince the group. Mad players are never literally forced to say things they don’t want to—but if the Storyteller doesn’t hear them make an effort, they pay the price.
  3. Mad evil players might be executed this way, but “might” means you can choose not to, to prevent evil from winning by this strategy.
  4. Like the Mutant, an execution penalty counts as the one execution allowed per day.


[The Pit-Hag]

The Pit-Hag changes players into different characters.

  1. Each night, the Pit-Hag chooses a player and a character to turn that player into.
  2. They can’t create duplicate characters. If the character is already in play, nothing happens.


[The Evil Twin]

The Evil Twin mirrors a good character, and the players don’t know which twin is good and which twin is evil.

  1. The Evil Twin is paired with a good player, chosen by the Storyteller, called the Good Twin.
  2. On the first night, the Evil Twin and Good Twin both wake, make eye contact, and learn each other’s character.
  3. If the Good Twin is executed, evil wins. If the Evil Twin is executed, the game continues. A dead Evil Twin has no ability, so evil doesn’t win if the Good Twin is later executed.
  4. Good cannot win while both twins are alive. Even if the Demon is killed, the game continues. Good will need to kill the Evil Twin as well as the Demon to win.
  5. If a good player is turned into an Evil Twin, they are still a good player, with an evil player becoming their twin. It doesn’t matter which twin is which character, what matters is their alignment—the good team can execute the evil player safely, but if they execute the good player, evil wins.
  6. If both Twins are the same alignment, the Storyteller chooses a new Twin.


[The Fang Gu]

The Fang Gu possesses Outsiders.

  1. The first time a Fang Gu attacks and kills an Outsider, the Fang Gu dies, and the Outsider becomes a Fang Gu and turns evil.
  2. This can only happen once per game. If the new Fang Gu attacks an Outsider, the Outsider dies as normal.
  3. The new Fang Gu counts as the Demon, and good wins if they die. They do not learn which players are Minions.
  4. There is an extra Outsider in play.
  5. If the Fang Gu attacks an Outsider but that Outsider does not die, that Outsider does not become an evil Fang Gu and the Fang Gu does not die.


[The Vigormortis]

The Vigormortis kills their own Minions, who keep their ability.

  1. Every time the Vigormortis kills a Minion, they die but keep their ability for as long as the Vigormortis remains alive. The Witch, Cerenovus, and Pit-Hag still act each night.
  2. Somewhat like the No Dashii, the dead Minion’s closest clockwise or closest counterclockwise Townsfolk becomes poisoned, even if they are dead. If the Vigormortis dies or otherwise loses their ability, then those players become healthy again. One Townsfolk per Minion will always be poisoned this way, as neighboring Outsiders, Minions, or Travellers are skipped. The Storyteller chooses which of the two Townsfolk is poisoned.
  3. All Minions killed by the Vigormortis keep their ability and poison a Townsfolk, not just the most recent.
  4. If a dead Minion becomes a non-Minion character, they no longer poison a Townsfolk and have no ability. If a dead Minion becomes drunk or poisoned, they lose their ability until they become sober and healthy again.


[The No Dashii]

The No Dashii poisons their neighboring Townsfolk.

  1. The No Dashii’s closest clockwise and counterclockwise Townsfolk neighbors are poisoned, regardless of whether they are alive or dead. If a No Dashii dies or otherwise loses their ability, then those two players become healthy. Two Townsfolk players will always be poisoned this way, as neighboring Outsiders, Minions, or Travellers are skipped.
  2. If a new player becomes the No Dashii, or a poisoned Townsfolk changes into a non-Townsfolk character, the players who are poisoned may change immediately based on who the neighbors of the No Dashii are.


[The Vortox]

The Vortox makes all information false.

  1. Anytime a Townsfolk player gets information from their ability, they get false information. Even if they are drunk or poisoned, it must be false.
  2. The Vortox does not affect information gained by other means, such as when the Storyteller explains the rules, or when a player’s character or alignment changes.
  3. When night falls, if nobody was executed today, evil wins. Exiling a Traveller does not count.