Pokemon Go August 2024 Events: Raids, Spotlight Hours, Community Days, And More
August is officially underway, which means a ton of new events are on the horizon for Pokemon Go. The mobile game is capping off its Shared Skies season with a variety of activities over the next few weeks, including new Spotlight Hours, a Team Go Rocket takeover, and a Shadow Raid weekend.
Those aren’t the only events players can look forward to this month. Pokemon Go will also host not one, but two Community Days in August, and some fan-favorite legendary and Mega Pokemon will return to raid battles for a limited time.
To help get you up to speed on everything going on this month, here’s a roundup of all the biggest events happening in Pokemon Go in August 2024.
Raid Schedule
Pokemon Go is bringing back another handful of legendary and Mega Pokemon for the final month of its Shared Skies season.
Moltres, Incarnate Forme Thundurus, and Xerneas will all appear in five-star raids over the next few weeks, while Mega Aerodactyl, Mega Kangaskhan, and Mega Salamence will return to Mega raids. On top of that, Shadow Suicune will make a special appearance in Shadow Raids every weekend this month.
You can see Pokemon Go’s full August raid schedule below:
Five-star Raids
August 3-12
- Moltres
August 12-21
- Thundurus (Incarnate Forme)
August 21-September 3
- Xerneas

Mega Raids
August 3-12
- Mega Aerodactyl
August 12-21
- Mega Kangaskhan
August 21-September 3
- Mega Salamence
Shadow Raids
Every weekend in August
- Shadow Suicune
Spotlight Hours
Pokemon Go’s weekly Spotlight Hour event continues in August with a new batch of featured Pokemon and bonuses.
Every Tuesday evening from 6-7 PM local time, one particular Pokemon will spawn in the wild much more frequently than usual, making this a good chance to stock up on that species’ candy. In addition, you’ll earn an extra bonus by participating during Spotlight Hour, such as double candy or XP for catching or evolving Pokemon.
You can see August’s full Spotlight Hour schedule below:
August 6
- Featured Pokemon: Drilbur
- Bonus: 2x catch XP
August 13
- Featured Pokemon: Lileep
- Bonus: 2x catch candy
August 20
- Featured Pokemon: Mankey
- Bonus: 2x transfer candy
August 27
- Featured Pokemon: Magnemite
- Bonus: 2x evolution XP
Adventure Week

Pokemon Go is kicking off August with its annual Adventure Week event.
From August 2-12, certain rock- and ground-type Pokemon such as Diglett, Drilbur, Roggenrola, and Bunnelby will appear in the wild more frequently than usual, while fossil Pokemon like Cranidos, Shieldon, Tirtouga, and Tyrunt will hatch from 7km eggs.
In addition, the game will offer a new slate of event-themed research tasks, as well as new Collection Challenges. There will also be a variety of in-game bonuses throughout the event, including increased shiny odds and extra XP for spinning PokeStops and hatching eggs.
Adventure Week: Taken Over

Team Go Rocket returns for the second leg of Pokemon Go’s Adventure Week event.
From August 8-12, Team Go Rocket grunts will appear at PokeStops with new Shadow Pokemon in tow, including Shadow versions of Timburr, Tirtouga, and Archen. Various Shadow Pokemon will also appear in one- and three-star raids throughout the event, and there will be new event-themed Field Research tasks to complete.
Most notably, you’ll also have a chance to catch a couple of legendary Shadow Pokemon. Shadow Cresselia will make its Pokemon Go debut as part of a new Special Research story, while Shadow Lugia will return for a special Shadow Raid Weekend mini-event from August 10-11.
Beldum Community Day Classic

This month’s first Community Day takes place Sunday, August 18, and gives players another chance to catch the steel/psychic Pokemon Beldum. The Iron Ball Pokemon will be appearing in the wild much more frequently than usual from 2-5 PM local time, making this a good opportunity to stock up on Beldum candy.
After the event proper ends, Beldum’s evolved form, Metang, will be appearing in special four-star raids until 10 PM local time. On top of that, any Metang that you evolve into Metagross before 10 PM local time will learn the Charged Attack Meteor Mash upon evolving.
Popplio Community Day

August’s second Community Day takes place Saturday, August 31, and features the water-type starter Pokemon Popplio. The sea lion Pokemon will appear in the wild much more frequently than usual from 2-5 PM local time, and you’ll have a greater chance of encountering a shiny Popplio.
In additional to increased Popplio spawns, a variety of in-game bonuses will be available throughout the event. Incense and Lure Modules will last for three hours rather than their usual duration, and you’ll earn extra candy and XP for catching Pokemon during the event.
On top of that, special four-star raids featuring Popplio’s evolved form, Brionne, will take place at gyms from 5-10 PM local time. Any Brionne that you evolve into Primarina before 10 PM will also learn the special water-type Charged Attack Sparkling Aria.
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