Pokemon Go September 2024 Events: Raids, Spotlight Hours, Community Day, And More
Pokemon Go‘s new Max Out season is officially here, and the game is kicking things off in an appropriately big way this month. All throughout September, Pokemon Go will host a variety of events and activities featuring new Pokemon from the Galar region, including a special Research Day and brand-new raid battles against gigantic Dynamax Pokemon.
On top of that, players have new Spotlight Hours to look forward to this month, as well as a Community Day featuring both regular and Galarian Ponyta. Here’s a roundup of all the biggest events happening in Pokemon Go in September.
Raid Schedule
Pokemon Go is refreshing its raid rotation once again this month. Over the next few weeks, players will have another chance to encounter the legendary Pokemon Kyogre, Groudon, and Zacian in five-star raids, while Mega Absol, Mega Houndoom, and Mega Gardevoir will return to Mega raids throughout September.
On top of that, the game is introducing a new type of raid: Max Battles. These cooperative challenges will pit players against a giant Dynamax Pokemon. The first batch of Max Battles will feature the Kanto starters Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle, as well as the Galar Pokemon Skwovet and Wooloo.
You can see September’s full raid schedule below:
Max Battles
September 10-October 1
- Dynamax Bulbasaur
- Dynamax Charmander
- Dynamax Squirtle
- Dynamax Skwovet
- Dynamax Wooloo
Five-star Raids
September 3-14
- Kyogre
September 14-26
- Groudon
September 26-October 4
- Zacian
Mega Raids
September 3-14
- Mega Absol
September 14-26
- Mega Houndoom
September 26 – October 4
- Mega Gardevoir
Shadow Raids
Every weekend in September
- Shadow Raikou
Spotlight Hours
Pokemon Go’s weekly Spotlight Hour events return in September with new featured Pokemon and bonuses.
Every Tuesday evening from 6-7 PM local time, players will have more chances to encounter a particular Pokemon and earn an extra bonus, such as extra XP or Stardust for catching or evolving Pokemon. You can see September’s full Spotlight Hour schedule below:
September Spotlights
September 3
- Featured Pokemon: Wooloo
- Bonus: 2x evolution XP
September 10
- Featured Pokemon: Dewpider
- Bonus: 2x catch Stardust
September 17
- Featured Pokemon: Wobbuffet
- Bonus: 2x catch XP
September 24
- Featured Pokemon: Machop
- Bonus: 2x catch candy
Go All Out

Pokemon Go is kicking September off with a Go All Out event from September 3-10. Throughout the event, a variety of Galar Pokemon including Grookey, Scorbunny, Sobble, and Dreepy will be appearing in the wild and hatching from eggs, making this your first chance to add these monsters to your collection.
In addition to the wild Pokemon encounters, new event-themed Research Tasks and Collection Challenges will be available during the event. Completing these missions will net you various rewards, including additional chances to catch some Galar Pokemon. A few other bonuses will also be available throughout the event, including double XP for catching and evolving Pokemon.
Wild Encounters
- Grookey
- Scorbunny
- Sobble
- Skwovet
- Wooloo
- Dreepy
Hatching from Eggs
5 km Eggs
- Grookey
- Scorbunny
- Sobble
7 km Eggs
- Galarian Meowth
- Galarian Ponyta
- Galarian Slowpoke
- Galarian Farfetch’d
- Galarian Zigzagoon
- Galarian Darumaka
- Galarian Yamask
- Galarian Stunfisk
10 km Eggs
- Dreepy
Go Big

Galar’s Dynamax phenomenon is coming to Pokemon Go as part of the Go Big event, which runs from September 10-15.
Throughout the event, players will have a chance to participate in Max Battles, a new type of raid against Dynamax Pokemon. The initial batch of Max Battle bosses include Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Skwovet, and Wooloo. Any Pokemon you catch from these raids will be able to Dynamax when used in other Max Battles.
In addition to the raids, Pokemon Go is rolling out a new season-long Special Research story beginning September 3. As part of the Special Research, you’ll be able to earn Max Particles and a Dynamax Band item for your avatar.
Falinks Raid Day

The Galar Pokemon Falinks is starring as part of a special Falinks Raid Day on September 8. From 2-5 PM local time, the fighting-type Pokemon will be appearing in raid battles more frequently, and you’ll have an increased chance of encountering a shiny Falinks in these raids. On top of that, you’ll be able to receive up to five free raid passes when you spin the Photo Disc at a gym.
Ponyta Community Day

This month’s Community Day is set for September 14 and will feature both Ponyta and Galarian Ponyta. Throughout the event, both variants will appear in the wild more frequently than usual, and each will be able to learn an exclusive attack–Wild Charge–upon evolving into Rapidash.
On top of that, you’ll earn double candy and triple Stardust for catching Pokemon during the event, and any Lure Modules and Incense you use will last for three hours rather than their usual durations. There will also be bonus four-star raids featuring both types of Ponyta following the event.
Psychic Spectacular

Pokemon Go’s annual Psychic Spectacular event returns September 18-22. As usual, a variety of new and returning psychic Pokemon will be appearing throughout the event, including the debuting Hatenna and its evolved forms, as well as a Dynamax form of Beldum.
In addition to the increased psychic Pokemon spawns, a few bonuses will be available during the event, such as double the usual amount of Stardust for catching Pokemon and additional candy for executing Nice throws or better. There will also be event-themed Research Tasks and Collection Challenges to complete, along with a paid Timed Research questline.
Wild Encounters
- Ralts
- Spoink
- Gothita
- Solosis
- Elgyem
- Spritzee
- Swirlix
- Inkay
- Morelull
- Hatenna
Hatching from Eggs
7 km Eggs
- Mawile
- Chingling
- Espurr
- Hatenna
Max Battles
- Beldum
Oranguru and Passimian Research Day

Pokemon Go is capping off this month’s Psychic Spectacular with a special Research Day event featuring Oranguru and Passimian, two new Pokemon from the Galar region.
The event takes place September 22 from 2-5 PM local time. During the event hours, you can receive special Field Research tasks by spinning the Photo Disc at PokeStops, which upon completion will lead to encounters with Passimian and Oranguru.
On top of that, a handful of simian Pokemon will be appearing in the wild more frequently than usual, and you can purchase a paid Timed Research ticket from the in-game item shop for more chances to get Passimian and Oranguru.
Wild Encounters
- Mankey
- Aipom
- Slakoth
- Chimchar
- Grookey
Legendary Heroes

Pokemon Go is closing out September with a new event dubbed Legendary Heroes.
The event takes place September 26-October 1 and offers a special Timed Research story with two branching pathways, which will determine which wild Pokemon you can encounter when you use an Incense.
On top of that, a handful of Galar Pokemon will be appearing in the wild more frequently for all players, and there will be new event-themed Research tasks and Collection Challenges. Completing these will net you a variety of rewards including Rare Candy, Stardust, and a chance to catch Galarian Slowpoke.
Incense Encounters
Sword Path
- Seedot
- Scraggy
- Gothita
- Deino
- Swirlix
- Passimian
Shield Path
- Larvitar
- Lotad
- Croagunk
- Solosis
- Spritzee
- Oranguru
Wild Encounters
- Galarian Ponyta
- Koffing
- Galarian Darumaka
- Grookey
- Scorbunny
- Sobble
- Skwovet
- Galarian Ponyta
- Galarian Darumaka
- Goomy
- Jangmo-o
- Turtonator
- Drampa
- Zacian
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